The mission of the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association® Auxiliary Unit is to create and foster a caring and appreciative environment for CVMA®- members. The focus of the CVMA®-A is to help CVMA®- accomplish its mission of Veterans Helping Veterans by offering support to CVMA®-Veteran related causes on national and state levels. The Auxiliary's main goal is to provide moral support and cultivate relationships; we want those who served and/or fought for this country to know they truly are respected and welcomed home.
Requirements to become an Auxiliary Member
Must be the spouse of a CVMA®-A member or spouse of a deceased CVMA®-member (Note: sponsoring CVMA®- member must have submitted Auxiliary application prior to moving to Alpha/Omega Chapter.
Submission of documentation is required and must accompany the Auxiliary application for Membership; Copy of Marriage License or Marriage certificate). Full member can request Auxiliary application from their respective State Representative.
Must be of good character; meaning all members MUST conduct themselves in a manner that is becoming to themselves, to the CVMA®- and to the CVMA®--Auxiliary unit. Members must not bring embarrassment upon themselves, to the CVMA®- Auxiliary unit or to the CVMA®-Association as a whole.
Must support the efforts of ALL branches of the United States of America's Armed Forces and the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association.